STOT is a development community for the Securities Token Offering (STO) projects throughout the World. STOT is leveraging blockchain technology to build services that are not-for-profit and community powered. Our STOT Token holders are the key stakeholders of the STOT cross-ecosystem and we are committed to maximizing STOT Token holders value. Our pilot service is the development of the world’s first universal cross-ecosystem hybrid financial services platform.
STOT supports a non-profit legal framework advisory board to the related lawmaker, authorities, as well as the countries’ government. STOT is developing an asset-linked exchange right block platform with the cross-ecosystem features. In other words, the platform focuses on the fundamental basis of Blockchain itself instead of on the creation of a Token. The cryptocurrency market has experienced a dark time during which tokens without any value were used solely for the aim of raising funds. They were created by businesses that possessed no real technology. Now, STOT wants to raise the alarm in the chaotic cryptocurrency market, becoming a new leader in the Blockchain industry.
STO’s, which have become a hot issue recently, are based on the idea that a system is operated which secures real assets, while also securing interest in real business. But in reality, there are a lot of constraints on STO’s. This is due to the fact that countries around the world have not set any clear standards on whether cryptocurrency are considered securities or not.
To minimize the legal uncertainties that surround STO’s themselves, STOT wants to provide customers with benefits that cannot be yet enjoyed through existing financial institutions. It’s STOT’s mission to be the first company in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry to introduce the concept of a secure and reliable maximize benefits cross-ecosystem STOT Token.
STOT advises the related authorities via the non-profit legal framework advisory board accordingly.
Going beyond the concept of Initial Coin Offering (ICO), STO, and Initial Public Offering (IPO), STOT is a leading legal framework advisory board as well as the influencer of the entire Blockchain legal jurisdiction systems. STOT provides the next-generation cross-ecosystem financial framework, which is stipulating the upcoming hybrid financial markets.
STOT is aiming for a Virtuous Circle Structure, based on principles of capitalism.
In line with our digital asset exchange platform and the STO mechanism, we are the first platform to put comprehensive rights contracts on the Blockchain, after which they can exchange securities as well as the real assets with a virtuous circle of assets. In the other words, we create value.
STOT introduces an exchange rights platform that is interlinked with real assets.
We implement our Hybrid Exchange Platform (HEP) to provide the cross-platform hybrid trading system to allow our customers as well as traders. Furthermore, we will put the certificates on the Blockchain and make will make it possible to trade them. Consequently, the Cryptocurrencies / Coins / tokens will be able to be traded both on the general cryptocurrency exchanges, as well as on our HEP. This means that you can trade on two platforms, providing Block / Cryptocurrency / Coin / Token owners with two types of stable profit margins.
STOT control the risks. We minimize the risks and maximize the benefits.
There’s no way to avoid risks. Our professional strength is to do the risks management, to minimize the risks as well as to maximize the benefits to our Token holders and our customers. We will do so by privatizing the shares of the actual profitable businesses. Furthermore, we will introduce our Risks Neutralization Mechanism (RNM) on the upcoming Private Sale of our STOT Token.
The STOT pioneers with its HEP. Going beyond the concept of STO’s, it has improved several of its features. The STOT is based on the target values of capitalism, which are assets, revenue and value. It was designed to issue blocks (coins) with intrinsic value from the beginning. Thus, we have created a complete and absolute virtuous circle structure platform, integrating the increased assets, profits and value back into the Block (Coin) to complete the virtuous circle structure.
The connection between multiple profitable items to increase the value.
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** Private Sales - VIP Stage starts NOW **
1) Price Updates as per 1,000 STOT:
2) White Paper version 4.2 Updated!
- Ongoing Project 1 - Cambodia, The Milestone and Road Map - Page 21.
- Token Economics – Timeline and Road Map - Page 46.
3) Ongoing Project 1 - Cambodia Update:
- Next EAB Online Meeting scheduled on JANUARY 24th, 2025 with SERC.
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